About PMRAThe Public Management Research Association (PMRA) is a nonprofit academic membership association that furthers research on public organizations which over the years has substantially increased in size and influence. The Public Management Research Association Conference has become the foremost gathering of leading public management scholars in the US and around the world. In addition, PMRA now publishes the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART), one of the premier journals in the field. A second journal, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance (PPMG), debuted in 2017. BylawsPMRA, JPART, and PPMG emphasize links between the study of public institutions, their management, and public policy. Another goal of PMRA, JPART, and PPMG is to foster multidisciplinary research on government and governance. The organization supports the development of empirical and normative inquiry, theory building, and systematic testing of theory consistent with the canons of social science using the full range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Mission StatementThe Public Management Research Association improves public governance by advancing research on public organizations, strengthening links among interdisciplinary scholars, and furthering professional and academic opportunities in public management. ScopePMRA defines public organizations broadly to include government jurisdictions; nonprofit and private organizations contracting with governments; and nonprofit, corporate and other institutions engaging in projects or activities with distinct public purposes or implications. GoalsPMRA furthers research on public organizations and their management by:
Community StandardsPMRA endorses and encourages behaviors consistent with our values of professionalism, inclusion, dignity, and free academic expression and discourse. Behaviors that contradict these values will not be tolerated at PMRA-sponsored events or in PMRA-sponsored journals. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. If you have encountered a violation of these values as part of any PMRA event or activity, please contact the PMRA Secretariat.